Light in Darkness

Bad news. It seems to be the order of the day. 

Turn on the news or scroll through social media these days and all you see is bad news, and more bad news. Murder on the streets. Law enforcement officers ambushed and killed in broad daylight. Protests and riots on college campuses. War in the Middle East and Ukraine. Brutality and a general disregard for life seems to be as commonplace as a daily weather report.

Add to that a teetering economy, with out-of-control inflation that is making it harder and harder just to buy gas or groceries, or the basic necessities of life.

Then there's the political corruption seemingly on every side. Is there anyone out there in government who can be trusted? Public confidence in our "public servants" is at an all time low, no matter the political party.

And we haven't even mentioned the rampant immorality, where despicable sin is celebrated and endorsed even by our government leaders.

The constant diet of bad news is enough to depress anybody. 

So...what is our role? Can we as a local church make a difference in such a messed up world? What do we have to offer, to counter the constant barrage of bad news?

How about hope? And truth? And love? How about good news?

If nothing else, we as Christians are bearers of the Gospel, which by its very definition means "good news." We can offer hope for the person who can't see a reason to go on, truth for those trapped in a world of dishonesty and inauthenticity, love for even those caught up in despicable sin. And that hope is in the person of Jesus Christ.

It's no secret our world is getting darker by the day. That's the bad news. But Jesus Himself said it didn't have to be that way. "You are the light of the world," He said. That's the good news.

May your light shine brightly for Him this week. I'm praying for you, and I look forward to seeing you Sunday.

--Pastor Ken


On Being Dedicated


How Big Is Your God?